If you are a first-time client, you will need to fill out the forms below and email them to: liz@tapintohealth.net at least 24 hours prior to our first session.
The forms include a client intake questionnaire, an informed consent form and consent to video our session for you. Our video calls are recorded via Zoom and emailed to you for your personal use following the completion of our session.
All personal information is confidential.
Below are a list of informative EFT websites and PDF files for your use.
I have also included links to some published material about my work with clients.
An article that was published about my client and our work with her Emetophobia (fear of throwing up).
A blog post by my client about our work with her hair pulling.
Using EFT to Stop Trichotillomania
A blog post by Hope and Way about what EFT is and how it works.
My Favorite Fidget Toys
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